Monday, July 1, 2013

GPX file import: new feture added to race player!

Well, it's been a while since I posted to the blog, but I've been busy adding features and fixing things since then (thanks to Matt and others for pointing out bugs and making suggestions)

The most important new feature is the ability to upload tracks from a GPX file, and then replay these on the track player as if they were uploaded using the gofasthow Android app.

Since many iPhone GPS apps can export files, as can many more sophisticated/accurate gps nav devices, this opens up the gofasthow track player to a much wider audience.

To upload a GPX file, follow these steps:

  1. launch the track player by clicking on any race on the home page
  2. in the track player, click "Login" at the top of the control panel
  3. login with your gofasthow username & password
  4. click the "Upload GPX file" button in the control panel
  5. select your file and click "Upload"
  6. go back to home page, login and click "My Tracks"